Bible Studies and Adult Education Opportunities
Men’s Breakfast…
…meets the second Saturday of each month at 7:30AM in the Fireside Room of Fellowship Hall. Join us for breakfast and fellowship around the Word. Check in with for more details.
Beloved Daughters…
…meets in the Fireside Room off the Fellowship Hall one Saturday per month at 9:00am. Come enjoy community and study with one another. Email for more details on the current series.
The Chosen Study Group…
…meets Thursday Nights at 6PM in the Sanctuary. Begins 1/30. Watch and respond, guided with Q/A. Email for more details.
Click to view The Chosen Discussion Guides:
Scripture Studies…
…meets 12PM Thursdays and Sundays after Worship in the Fireside Room in Fellowship Hall. Small groups meeting together, a reinforcement/supplement study written by the pastor based on the text for our Sunday service. Email with any questions.
Life in Christ…
…meets Sunday Mornings after worship. Begins 2/23. Church Membership and Christian Foundations. Please register by emailing