About Our Preschool
Trinity Lutheran Preschool recognizes that a preschool experience is often the child’s first step into the world beyond family. Our goal at Trinity is to provide families of the community, church, and school with a safe, educational Christ-centered early childhood experience. The early childhood program is designed to meet the developmental needs of children 3 years to 5 years of age. At Trinity we provide daily experiences that enrich and foster each child’s spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Each day children have the opportunity to explore their creative side, develop problem solving skills and strengthen personal interaction skills through hands on experiences. We strive to assist parents in nurturing their children in the faith, while recognizing that the parents are the primary educators of their children.
Children of any religion, race, color, national or ethnic origin are welcome to pursue their educational and spiritual exploration at Trinity.
Trinity Lutheran Preschool is Facility #401712199
We’re so pleased to welcome Trinity’s new
Preschool Director, Tiffany Valaau!
3-4 Year Old Program
Our 3-4 Year Old program is designed to ignite a love of learning in your child. In this class, structure is gradually increased through a balance of table activities, learning centers and group lessons. Our daily schedule includes time for playing inside and outside, and we have devotion, calendar, weather, story, music, art, and snack time. Here are some of the emphasis of the 3-4 Year Old class:
Learning through play.
Sharing and socialization with classmates and teachers.
Learning through art, music, play, listening to stories, and exploring.
Continuing to learn shape, number, color, and letter concepts (through Zoo-phonics).
Name and birthday recognition and beginnings of writing their name.
Jr. Kindergarten (4-5 years old)
This class is designed for students who are not quite ready for Kindergarten. Our daily schedule includes time for playing inside and outside, and we have devotion, calendar, weather, Chapel, table work, story, music, art, and snack time. Here are some of the emphasis of the Jr. K class:
Recognition of letters and the sounds they make.
Develop pre reading skills.
Develop pre math skills.
Introduction of addition, subtraction, and fractions.
Emphasis on independent work such as writing, gluing, and using scissors.
Longer discussion on weekly themes.
Learning their birthday, address, phone number, and last name.